Experiences… How many of us have them……

Daily writing prompt
What experiences in life helped you grow the most?

There are two very significant experiences that helped me grow the most. The first was in 2009, my divorce. I used to have the thought process that you had to have a boyfriend or husband to be happy. So I cried a lot because I didn’t have one in high school like my friends. I was always overweight and I thought no one wanted me. But when I met my husband, I thought finally, someone really wants me. Turns out, it wasn’t the best situation. I won’t berate him or talk badly about him. But let’s just say, it was not a good situation. He lied a LOT and even though I could see through the lies, I still thought, well at least I have someone in my life.

But then I grew up and said to myself, I can be miserable by myself and not have to worry about someone lying to me or that constant ache in my stomach which was the anxiety of not knowing if he was where he said he was going or who he was with and I came to a decision to end it. And it was the best decision I could have made for my life. I don’t need someone in my life to make me happy. I can be happy on my own.

The other experience was in 2012. I had the worst panic attack of my life. It was after my divorce. I was struggling to pay bills and I didn’t want to tell anyone about my troubles so I kept it inside. And it almost destroyed me. I ended up moving in with my sister to get myself together. I got a part time job and started to save money. By 2015 I was ready to move out again and be on my own. It was the best experience to know that I could survive on my own. I also learned not to keep so much bottled on the inside. It’s okay not to be perfect or people knowing you are not perfect. If you don’t get the garbage out of you, there is no room for the sunshine.

All in all, experiences are what shape our lives. Only we can decide if they will be shaped for the worst or the better.


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